Version 4.x. 2013
The Version 4.x. is one of the many Versions of the Clash of Clans game.
Version 4.120 – 27th August 2013 “Player Profile”
Brand new Player Profile feature
- See XP level, league badge and trophy count all in one place.
- Includes Achievement progress, clan status, league wins and troop donations.
Hog Rider rework!
- The new and improved Hog Rider now targets defenses, allowing new Hog Rider tactics.
- Damage increased: the Hog Rider now packs a heavier punch with his sledge hammer!
- Hogs now have personal trainers to get them in jumping shape, reducing Hog Rider training time.
New spell, unit and building levels
- Added level 6 Wizard.
- Added level 8 Wizard Tower.
- Added level 4 Freeze Spell.
New clan features
- Trophy requirement to join a clan can now be up to 3,600 trophies.
- Added cooldown for Elders kicking out Clan Members.
Three of the most challenging, most rewarding Achievements yet!
- League All-Star: push your league progress to the limit and earn our highest ever gem rewards!
- X-Bow Exterminator: earn Gems for taking out those pesky X-Bows.
- Firefighter: destroy the dreaded Inferno Towers and get handsomely rewarded.
Interface Improvements:
- Replay sharing improved: shared replays now show loot, trophies and can include a custom message.
- Achievement progress is now tracked even after an achievement is fully completed.
- Info screen added for secondary units (Skeleton and Golemite).
- Chat can be scrolled all the way to the top by clicking on the tab above it.
Game Balance
- Most League loot bonuses have been increased.
- Decreased cost of Heal, Rage, Jump and Freeze Spells.
- Decreased the Witch’s attack range.
- Decreased training time of Balloon and Wizard (from 10 to 8 minutes).
- Decreased the upgrade cost of level 3 Freeze Spell.
- Increased Heal Spell radius from 3.5 to 5 tiles.
Many smaller fixes and tweaks!
Hidden Changes:
- Level 6 Wall Breakers’ Bomb become a Barrel Bomb.
- Global Chat and Clan Chat highlighted when you receive a new message and the scroll is down.
Maintenance – 9th August 2013 “1st Anniversary boost ends”
Today’s maintenance break will end the 1st Anniversary boost, I hope you all enjoyed it!! We will also make two tweaks while in maintenance:
- Resource collector Boost will be improved (cheaper, lasts longer)
- Giant Bomb will be improved (cheaper, more damage)
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Version 4.74 – 29th July 2013 “The Witch”
- New unit: the Witch! Skilled in the dark art of necromancy, the Witch reanimates the skeletons of dead warriors. Commanding her undead horde, she’s a fearsome sight in battle!
- Dark Barracks level 5 upgrade available, unlocks the Witch.
- Knock down immovable objects with the unstoppable force of level 6 Wall Breaker!
- Share your coolest battle replays with your clan members in clan chat! You may share one replay with your clan every 30 minutes.
- You can now temporarily mute a player in global chat. Their messages won’t be displayed on your screen.
- Top Players leaderboard now displays “Attacks Won” and “Defenses Won” statistics, similarly to League rankings.
- Your opponent’s name and clan are now visible during a replay.
- Decreased Hog Rider’s housing space requirement from 6 to 5.
- Increased Valkyrie’s attack damage (all levels).
- Decreased Valkyrie’s training cost (levels 1, 2 and 3).
- Decreased the upgrade cost of Dark Barracks (levels 2, 3 and 4).
- Many other small tweaks and fixes.
Hidden Changes:
- Row Walls rotation.
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Version 4.54 – 24th June 2013 “Gold Mine & Elixir Pump for TH10”
- Added one Gold Mine and one Elixir Collector for Town Hall level 10.
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Version 4.53 – 17th June 2013 “Freeze spell & Japanese”
This update brings an exciting new battle spell, Japanese language support and more!
High Level Magic
- Freeze Spell: freeze enemy turrets and ground troops solid! While frozen, defensive structures will be disabled and troops immobilized.
- Master the arcane arts with level 5 Spell Factory.
- Let the sparks fly with level 6 Lightning Spell.
- Cure the most grievous damage with level 6 Heal Spell.
Advanced Warfare
- Crush your enemies with P.E.K.K.A level 4.
- Upgrade the Cannon to level 12 for awesome firepower.
- Make your village perimeter near-impenetrable with level 11 Walls.
- Clear your airspace with an additional Air Bomb and a Seeking Air Mine.
- Turn on the heat with a second Inferno Tower.
- Turn your foes into pincushions with a third X-Bow.
- Upgrade your Army Camp to level 8, and muster a truly epic fighting force!
Interface improvements
- Japanese language setting now available.
- Added speed up option to next Clan Castle troop request.
- Players can now attach a custom message to a clan troop request.
- Performance was increased with multiple optimizations.
- Text sharpness improved.
- Battle will not end automatically if player has unused Clan Castle troops or Lightning Spells.
- Improved profanity filter for many languages.
Balance tweaks
- Heal spell is now more effective (all levels).
- Dark Elixir Storage has increased hitpoints.
- Jump Spell now affects all troop types even at level 1.
- Level 2 Jump Spell duration doubled.
- Player level cap increased to 300.
Also many small bug fixes and tweaks!
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Version 4.14 – 23rd May 2013 “Town Hall 10 – the Fiery Fortress”
Introducing Town Hall level 10 – the Fiery Fortress
Brand new defensive building: Inferno Tower!
- The Inferno Tower shoots a jet of flame that burns through even the thickest armor.
- The flame takes a while to heat up, making it most effective against the biggest and baddest troops.
- Stop Heroes, P.E.K.K.As and Golems in their tracks, and shoot Dragons out of the sky!
- Be careful: the Inferno Tower can be overwhelmed by a swarm of smaller targets.
Unlock powerful new upgrades with Town Hall level 10:
- Additional Cannon, Archer Tower, Giant Bomb and Dark Elixir Drill.
- New heroic levels for Barbarian King and Archer Queen.
- New upgrade levels for X-Bow and Air Defence.
Attack log and replays!
- Watch replays of your attacks.
- See a log of your attack history with a record of loot and trophies captured.
- Show your most dominant victories to friends and family.
- Analyze your toughest fights and improve your skills.
Level 8 Laboratory: better, faster and stronger than ever!
- Unleash the ancient Red Dragon (Dragon level 4).
- Rock on with Golem level 5.
- Support the troops with Healer level 4.
Interface improvements
- Chinese language setting is now available.
- Hugely expanded keyboard support. Write in any language!
- Smileys and other emoji characters supported in chat! Add the special Emoji keyboard in your device settings (General > Keyboard > Keyboards > Add New Keyboard).
- Quickly browse through Barracks, Dark Barracks and Spell Factory screens by tapping arrows.
- Number of clan troops received is now shown in addition to the number of troops donated.
- The center of your village is now marked with a plaque.
- Personal breaks enforced for players who stay continuously in-game for very long periods of time.
Balance tweaks
- Decreased Healer’s housing space requirement, training time and training cost.
- Decreased Heroes’ upgrade times, regeneration times and upgrade costs on some levels.
- Decreased training cost of Golem on level 2, 3 and 4.
- Decreased cost of Town Hall level 9 upgrade.
- Decreased cost of Laboratory upgrade to level 5, 6 and 7.
- Decreased cost of X-Bow upgrade to level 2 and 3.
- Decreased cost of Air Defense upgrade to level 7.
- Decreased cost of Dark Elixir Drill upgrade.
Also many small bug fixes and tweaks!
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