Ruled Out From Future Updates
Here are some amazing ideas that have been ruled out by the dev time for the time being.
Source: Official Game Forum
Frequently Requested
- Playing clash of clans (or any other SC game) on a computer or through a web browser e.g. Facebook
- Donating (or trading) Resources or gems to (with) other players
- An exchange building to convert between elixir, gold, dark elixir, or gems
- Assign multiple builders to one build/upgrade
- Upgradeable builders’ huts
- Player search function
- Active/ Live “Online Status” examples: colored icons, on/off indicator, etc.
- Indicate last online date
- Remove the “Report” button/feature from global chat. Abused too often, and mute is better solution
Clan Related
- Add other clan requirements to apply besides trophies, ex: Specific troop lvl, TH lvl, lab lvl, game lvl
- Customizable clan flag
- Add ability to send short message to rejected applicants similar to when expelling
- A large text area for clan rules that just the clan can see (separate from public clan description)
- Leader (and co-leaders) ability to delete messages in chat
- Modify clan msg of player joining with who invited player: xx joined clan, invited by xx
- Add clan rank to Clan Info Screen – Quicker to reference than scrolling to end of top 200 list
- Increase clan size: 75 or 100 are most common requests
- Separate Elder+ chat tab in-game
Defensive Structure Related
- Ability to camouflage/purchase camouflage – (make AT appear as a barracks until within range)
- Ability to load current x-bow with elixir or dark elixir for extra bonus of some sort
- Stack def structures – ATs over walls, Teslas on top of barracks (truly hidden), etc.
- Upgrade to 2-story walls that Hog Riders/Jump spell can’t penetrate (maybe limit #)
- Display both X-bow range circles at once for planning – different color on inactive one
- Modify Clan Castle – toggle defend/not defend (like heroes)
- Auto request Clan Castle Troops in clan if you win a defense (Shield didn’t activate, still attackable)
Other Buildings Related
- Gem mines/drills
- Wizard Laboratory to create/upgrade wizard projectiles/spells
- Add a second laboratory or a second slot in current lab to do two researches at once
- Queue upgrades/builds
- Troop Armor Building. Research upgrades to troop armors/attack/speed, etc.
- Swap buildings – drop one on the other, pop-up or double tap to swap if same size
- Ability to turn on all def building radius circles at once to check coverage
- Trap/Explosives hut to upgrade/build bigger ones
- Lightning Rod to absorb Lightning Spell
Troop/Barracks Related
- Customize troop builds = to order, permanent productions, saved queues, etc.
- Queue troop donation notices when offline – display when back online or new interface to see info after
- Show total training time left above barracks
- Show total elixir costs of troops sitting in army camps
- 5x or 10x button in troop training screens for faster queuing
- Ability to rearrange barracks queued troops (ex: click/hold slide troop icon first in queue to the middle)
- Modify healers to include healing air troops
- Troop carrier (Trojan horse-like) it moves on its own until damaged, then troops pop out
- Release a hero for every troop type (Some more may come eventually, but not EVERY troop)
- Prepackaged troop clusters = similar to clan castle deployment, but you can load like 50 troop count in 4 different clusters to deploy on offense all at once.
- Have clan war troop donations count towards donation statistics
Battle Related
- Ability to filter matchmaking by Resources or Trophies available
- Capture live attackers and have them reassigned to your own clan castle, army camps, or new structure
- Bonus/award if attacker skips your village – partial payment to you on match fee
- On Offensive Battle Summary include resource cost of troops/spells used
- Ability to assign 5 or so of your own troops to defend Town Hall, same AI as clan castle, smaller radius
- Ability to transfer a revenge to a clan member or public hitlist
- Auto reset/repurchase Traps if you win a defense (Shield didn’t activate, still attackable)
- Add a small chance to “Steal/Win/Replace” spells on an attack victory (suggest 3-star only)
- Back button in matchmaking for accidental “Next” clicks – Perhaps cost double fee to return
- Deactivate spell selection after casting to avoid multiple mis-casts, make user re-select if wanted
- Add a 1-2 second spell casting cooldown to prevent unwanted multiple mis-casts
Graphical Interface Related

- Separate tab in chat for troop requests
- Revenge list indicate online/shielded or currently attackable without having to click each person’s button
- Ability to hide certain attacks in battle logs
- Show loot/trophies which were available on battle logs in addition to what was earned
- When revenge used – defense log includes original attack results (Resources/trophies/%/stars)
- Modify Att/Def Won stat to include losses as well, example: Attacks: 38/12 Defenses: 3/12
- Add comma or space at thousands space in ALL places: Upgrade buttons, spell/troop buttons, shop, etc.
- Add a counter when all builders are busy to indicate when first one will be free
- Allow iOS Device battery indicator icon to be displayed while in-game
- Upgrade menu listing all things upgradable
- Ability to turn on white buffer lines without moving Building/decoration
- Add a League Chat area
- Ability to hide Traps/Bombs (perhaps Tesla) in edit mode to give an “attacker’s view”

- Resetting or restarting a specific village
- Rate base feature
- Keep replays through maintenance – increase from 4 to 6 or at least since last login
- Add a setting to disable village animations to improve performance on older devices
- Add Gem use confirmation on all functions
- Botany Research- Ups spawn rate of obstacles and/or increase in chance/# of gems when removing
- Additional Leader boards based on Town Hall level
- Add ability to play background music while in game natively
- Add push notification for Hero ready (healed/able to attack)
- Log gem usage/gains in gamecenter (or ingame) so users can look to see where they went
- Add an unmute option for accidental muting – or have a list showing all muted to pick certain unmutes
- Add custom sound notifications for Clash push notifications
- Add mini-games, something to occupy time
. . .
can you add a mute button that mutes a player for some time like 1 hour or more
Now that bb 2.0 I’s here, why not add fireball, arrow and goblin barrel card from Clash Royale to the builder base attack…. It will make attack a little easier….
can you add mech siege machine
add a spell that increases the fire rate of a troop on a small radius
doesn’t a rage spell do that?