Version 2.x. 2012
The Version 2.x. is one of the many Versions of the Clash of Clans game.
Version 2.111 – 11/19/2012
Introducing Clash of Clans limited time Winter special!
- Winter theme complete with the best snow fall effect ever seen!
- Surprise your enemies with the Unpleasant Present! Special gift-wrapped explosive trap.
- New spell: Ask Santa to deliver a devastating bombardment to your enemy’s village.
- Rare X-mas tree, can you spot it?
Huge improvements to matchmaking!
- Offered matches will now be a lot better and closer to your own trophy count.
- Queue system added! Less hitting of the “Find a match” button.
- New system will work much faster than before.
Big permanent improvements
- Are you in a hurry? Now you can Boost up your resource buildings (starting up at level 5), Barracks (starting up at level 4) and Spell Factory
- Leaderboards now shows daily rank changes, see who rises and who falls.
- Introducing Army Camp level 7, now you can create even bigger armys!
- Attention Town Hall level 9 owners! You can now build an additional Cannon!
- Added more space to the village to make it easier to move things around and build bigger villages.
- Decorate your village with the Statue of P.E.K.K.A! Only available to players above level 75!
- Defending Clan Castle troops have learned how to jump over Walls, just like the Villagers do.
Balance changes and other fixes
- Town Hall hit points were increased.
- Healer hit points increased.
- P.E.K.K.A level 2 and 3 hit points decreased.
- Clan Castle shows activation radius once again.
- While not officially announced in the release notes, this update also removed the waterfall.
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Version 2.86 – 10/27/2012
- Magic is in the air! You can now create Spells faster than ever before.
- Tricks! Brand new Pumpkin Bombs available for limited time only.
- Treats! We increased the amount of Gems in some gem packages.
- Witches and Monsters! Training cost of Wizards, Dragons and P.E.K.K.As decreased.
Town Hall level 9 added!
- New defensive turret: the X-Bow! This weapon shoots bolts of Elixir with a super fast rate of fire.
- New spell: Jump! Boost your troops over enemy Walls. Upgrading the Jump Spell allows even Giants and P.E.K.K.As to jump over Walls.
- P.E.K.K.A has a fearsome new look that can be unlocked by upgrading her to level 3.
- New upgrade levels for Cannons, Mortars, Wizard Towers, Spell Factory, Mines, Collectors and Storages.
Bug fixes and other changes
- Find your biggest rivals with Clan Search.
- Removed the option to sell buildings.
- Fixed rare bug that caused build times to be off-sync with shield times.
- Fixed a bug that player and alliance trophy counts to be displayed differently.
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Version 2.73 – 10/15/2012
Chat improvements
- Global chat is now moderated! Report offensive messages by tapping them and choosing “Report”.
- Improved profanity filter for global chat creates a nicer and safer chatting environment.
Clan Improvements
- You can now set minimum amount of trophies required for your clan. Players won’t be able to apply if they don’t meet the minimum requirements.
- Added notices to Clan chat when members are promoted, demoted, join or are kicked out of the clan.
- You can now send a personal message when you kick someone out of your clan.
Other changes:
- Players with lower Town Hall levels now lose less resources when attacked by higher Town Hall level players (2 level difference or more).
- There is now a short no-attack period after maintenance breaks to allow players to log back in unperturbed.
- Added an extra confirmation step when loading village from Game Center to avoid accidents.
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Version 2.44 – 09/18/2012
- Full support for iPhone 5 and 5th generation iPod Touch.
- Big new feature: Spells! (Spell Factory unlocks on Town Hall level 5).
- Introducing three spells: Lightning, Healing and Rage Spell
- Replays added to Battle Log! Now you can see what happened when someone attacked your village.
- Added Wizard Tower unlock to Town Hall level 6 and another Hidden Tesla to Town Hall level 8.
- Matchmaking now gives you better matches and works faster.
- Troop upgrades are now visualized.
- Many visual effects were improved.
- Support for iOS 6 Game Center challenges.
- Shop and Battle Log redesigned for iPhone and iPod Touch.
- You can now view helpful hints while the game is loading.
- Added 3rd upgrade level for Dragon.
- Fixed the troop donation bug.
- Troop training and housing mechanics improved.
- Canceling building upgrades does not give the full price back anymore.
- Building Walls is instant but requires available worker.
- Combat balance tweaks.
- Confirmation popup when speeding up building construction and upgrading.
- Players gain a very short Shield if disconnected from the server unintentionally.
- Server now runs battles to the end if user gets disconnected during battle.
- You can now view the clan before you accept the invitation.
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Version 2.21 – 08/30/2012
- Introducing new shocking defense unit: Hidden Tesla (unlocks on Town Hall level 7).
- You can now see Traps when visiting own clan members.
- New Visual effects (Dragon Attack, Wizard Tower attack).
- New decoration flags for: Sweden, China, Norway, Thailand, India, Australia, South Korea, Japan.
- Added FAQ and forums.
- Improved Healer AI
- Spring Trap doesn’t affect to P.E.K.K.A anymore and her speed has been increased.
- Building regeneration times decreased.
- Cooldown added to Shield buying (can’t be shielded all the time anymore).
- Bug fix: Achievements didn’t always get updated to the Game Center.
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