Town Hall Level 4

The Town Hall is the heart of your village and the most important Building in the Clash of Clans game.

At fourth level a third plain non-tiled layer and a fourth tiled layer gets added to the top. The chimney shifts to the front left.

<<< Town Hall Level 3


At Fourth level the Town Hall has 2,100Hit Points, the upgrade cost is 25,000Gold and last for 1 day. After finishing of the upgrade You will get the Experience: 293Experience.

At this Level the Town Hall can store the following maximum amount of Resources: 50,000Gold and 50,000Elixir.

Fourth level of the Town Hall allows you to build 7 additional Buildings (Total is 34, including the Town Hall itself, Traps and 5 Builder’s Huts).

The number of available sections of the Walls is increased by another 25 (Total is 75).

Buildings and Troops Available at this Level of the Town Hall (swipe table right and left)

Building Types The Number of Buildings and Their Max Level
Resource Buildings Elixir Collector Level 8 (4)Elixir Collector Level 8 (4)Elixir Collector Level 8 (4)Elixir Collector Level 8 (4)New BuildingElixir Storage Level 8 (2)Elixir Storage Level 8 (2)Gold Mine Level 8 (4)Gold Mine Level 8 (4)Gold Mine Level 8 (4)Gold Mine Level 8 (4)New BuildingGold Storage Level 8 (2)Gold Storage Level 8 (2)Builder’s Hut (5)x 5
Army Buildings Barracks Level 6 (3)Barracks Level 6 (3)Barracks Level 6 (3)New BuildingArmy Camp Level 4 (2)Army Camp Level 4 (2)Laboratory Level 2Clan Castle Level 2
It’s Interesting!
Defensive Buildings Cannon Level 5 (2)Cannon Level 5 (2)Archer Tower Level 4 (2)Archer Tower Level 4 (2)New BuildingMortar Level 2Air Defense Level 2New BuildingWall Level 4 (75)25 New Segmentsx 75
Traps Bomb Level 2 (2)Bomb Level 2 (2)Spring Trap (2)New BuildingSpring Trap (2)New Building
Regular Troops Barbarian Level 2Level 2 Archer Level 2Level 2 Giant Level 2Level 2 Goblin Level 2Level 2 Wall Breaker Level 2Level 2 Balloon Level 2Level 2
Dark Troops – n/a –
Spells – n/a –
Heroes – n/a –

Town Hall Level 5 >>>

18 Responses to Town Hall Level 4

  1. RoyalChampion ( Player's League: Unranked Unranked Player's Trophies 2 )

    This is probably the easiest town hall level. I can unlock the fifth builder at this town hall itself but the storage maxes out.

  2. Jack ( Player's League: Unranked Unranked Player's Trophies 1 )

    the spring trap isnt right it only goes to level 1 in twown hall 4 and then you can upgrade it to level 2 in town hall 7 but anything else in this is correct.Was really helpful

  3. yeet ( Player's League: Unranked Unranked Player's Trophies 1 )

    Hey nice now I know when to upgrade to the next town hall level

  4. Poopy ( Player's League: Unranked Unranked Player's Trophies 2 )

    I pooped

  5. Poopy ( Player's League: Unranked Unranked Player's Trophies 2 )

    I shit myself

  6. Mahudhy ( Player's League: Unranked Unranked Player's Trophies 1 )

    Very helpful information keep it up

  7. Kayode ( Player's League: Unranked Unranked Player's Trophies 2 )

    Kaylee are you in a clan called u and me?

  8. Kaylee ( Player's League: Unranked Unranked Player's Trophies 1 )

    Should update this site… half of the maximum upgrade levels are wrong for Town Hall 4

  9. Dev rana ( Player's League: Unranked Unranked Player's Trophies 1 )


  10. William ( Player's League: Unranked Unranked Player's Trophies 2 )

    Appreciate it for helping out, great information.

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