Version 7.x. 2015
The Version 7.x. is one of the many Versions of the Clash of Clans game.
Version 7.200.39 – 04th December 2015 (only for iOS)
Removed (PRODUCT)RED™ content.
Thanks for all your support! Clash on!
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Version 7.200.34 – 30th November 2015 “(RED)” (only for iOS)
Clash of Clans has partnered with (PRODUCT)RED in the fight for an AIDS FREE GENERATION.
You can participate by buying the (Pile of Gems)RED from the game’s shop.
100% of the proceeds will go to (RED)’s fight against AIDS.
The promotion ends on December 4th 6pm EET (Helsinki time).
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Version 7.200 – 22nd October 2015 “Halloween Is Coming”
A Frightful Night Returns To Clash
For a limited time, experience the spooky Halloween Clash theme with possessed Poison Spells, bubbling Cauldron obstacles and more!
It’s that time of the year again! So here’s a spooky Halloween update with a couple of limited-time treats:
- Harvest some bonus Elixir from special Halloween Cauldron obstacles
- 1-gem Spell Factory boost special is back! Running through Halloween weekend!
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Version 7.156 – 1st July 2015 “Dark Spell Factory”
The Rise of Master Spellcasters and Legends
- The Dark Spell Factory is here with three new spells!
- Dragon level 5 sets its golden gaze on Town Hall 10
- A second Air Sweeper will help clear the skies, starting at Town Hall 9
- New Leagues are here, including the Legend League Tournament and Legend Trophies!
The Dark Spell Factory
- Harness Dark Elixir to make spells with advanced tactics, starting at Town Hall 8
- Poison Spell: Make a toxic cloud that slows and drains the health of defending troops
- Earthquake Spell: Rattles away the hitpoints from buildings and Walls
- Haste Spell: The fastest speed boost ever, at half the storage space of a Rage Spell
- These Dark Spells take half the space of regular spells. Mix, match and experiment!
New Leagues and the Legend League Tournament
- Introducing Titan League and the ultra-prestigious Legend League at 5000 Trophies!
- Legend League Tournaments are a new challenge for top players, ending once a month
- Tournament Legends get their final standings featured in the Top Players tab and profile
- Each tournament resets Legends to 5000 Trophies and converts extras into permanent Legend Trophies!
Game Balancing
- Training times in the Spell Factory have been reduced
- Extra Spells can now be queued in Spell Factories, even if your Spell Storage is full
- All resource storages are now immune to all direct spell damage
- Clan Tournaments are one month long and award more gems to more players per Clan
- Barbarian, Archer, Dragon and P.E.K.K.A training cost adjusted for some levels
- Several building hitpoint values have been increased
- Inferno Tower’s Single firing mode now charges to full power slightly faster
- Dragon level 4 has been moved to Town Hall 9
- Archer Towers arrows travel faster so they “miss” less of their shots at range
A.I. Improvements
- Troops and Heroes are less likely to target walls unnecessarily (even the Archer Queen)
- Troops and Heroes will not continue bashing through walls to get to a destroyed target
- Wall Breakers now avoid retargeting towards unnecessary walls when deployed in groups
- Fixed rare cases where defending Heroes or defenses might get stuck and not attack
Interface Improvements
- Train your army with a new Training button just above Attack – no more Barracks-hunting
- Army Overview lets you view, request troops and edit your army, including spells!
- Quick-tabs have been added to training views to make cycling between buildings easier
- Troop selection when attacking has been cleaned up with new visuals and sounds
- You can now filter offensive Clan Chat by enabling the Clan Chat Filter in the Settings
- Arabic and Traditional Chinese languages are now supported!
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Update 30th April 2015 “Air Sweeper”
New anti-air defense: The Air Sweeper
- Push back groups of flying enemies with strong blasts of air!
- Air Sweepers deal no damage, but are great at slowing the progress of air attacks
- Air Sweepers can only face one way, but can be rotated to a direction of your choosing
- Unlocked at Town Hall 6, Air Sweepers gain more pushing strength when upgraded
Clan bookmarks
- Bookmark any Clan for later viewing using the ‘+’ icon on any Clan profile page
- You can bookmark up to 30 Clans and view them under a new tab next to your profile
Clan War attack army preview
- Never attack unprepared again! Your army is now previewed before every war attack
- Inspect your troops, Clan troops, spells and heroes – anything missing will be flagged red
- Be ready or be sorry! You can no longer end war attacks early without surrendering
Interface improvements
- Starting at Town Hall 5, a one-time name change will become available in the game settings – use it wisely!
- Clan chat now shows when Clan settings are changed, indicating who changed them
- Defense ranges can now be seen even when the defense is under construction
- Defense modes can now be changed even when the defense is under construction
- Defensive Buildings now initially point away from the Town Hall in combat, EXCEPT for the Air Sweeper, which always points in its configured direction
Gameplay improvements
- Attacking troops will not start chasing defending troops as far away as they used to
- Fixed a very rare case where a defense might target a troop at the edge of its range, but not fire
- Loot values for many lower level single player maps have been improved, along with some slight layout tweaks and surprises
Matchmaking tweaks
- You are now more likely to find targets at or near your Town Hall level in multiplayer matchmaking
- Strength calculations have been updated in Clan Wars matchmaking to compensate for high level walls and heroes, skeleton traps, etc.
- (Already released in the 2x Clan XP event) Clan Wars matchmaking now prefers to wait a bit longer and try to find a bit better match
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Version 7.1.1 – 24th February 2015 “Clans Are Leveling Up!”
Clans Are Leveling Up!
- Level up your clan and earn perks, prestige and fancy badges!
- Cannon level 13 packs a punch and takes a lot of damage!
- Clan Wars Opt-in/Opt-out gives you Clan full control of war!
- Customize your Clan badge with the badge editor!
Power-up your Clan with Clan Perks
- Request troops more often and donate more troops at a time
- get refunds and automatic upgrades on donated troops
- Increase your Clan War loot bonus and store more in your Clan Castle
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