
The Giant is one of many Regular Troops in the Clash of Clans game.

These big guys may seem calm, but show them a turret or cannon and you’ll see their fury unleashed! Slow yet durable, these warriors are best used to soak up hits.


The Giant is the third troop unlocked in the Barracks.

The Giant’s first target is Defenses, making them an ideal troop to deploy to get rid of defenses fast. However due to their low attack damage they are better used in large groups.

Giants prioritize Defensive Structures above all other targets, and will bypass all other types of enemy Buildings and Troops while any Defenses remain on the battlefield. This is true even if they are under attack by enemy Clan Castle troops, Heroes or Skeleton Trap skeletons. Note that like all Troops that prioritize Defenses, Giants do not consider the Clan Castle to be a Defense regardless of whether or not it contains enemy Troops.
Once all Defenses are destroyed, Giants become like any other Troop with no preferred target; they will attack the nearest building to them regardless of type, and will turn and attack enemy Units if they become aware of any nearby.

Description of common tactics of usage a Giant on a battlefield is Here.

Base Features

Barracks Level: 3Barracks Level Preferred Target: Defenses, Ground OnlyPreferred Target
Training Time: 2 minsTraining Time Attack Type: Melee, One TargetAttack Type
Housing Space: 5Housing Space Attack Speed: 2 secsAttack Speed
Movement Speed: 12Movement Speed Attack Range: 1 TitleAttack Range

Upgrading Changes

A level 1 and 2, the Giant wears a brown tunic with a red belt and copper buckle around his waist. He otherwise has no accessories.

At level 3, the Giant gains iron cuffs around his arms and iron knuckles on his hands.

At level 5, the Giant exchanges the dark metal cuffs and knuckles for golden ones.

At level 6, the Giant upgrades his cuffs and knuckles to a black metal. He also grows a long, thick red beard and dons a black feather cape.

At level 7, the Giant acquires a golden chest plate underneath its brown tunic that reaches to its shoulders.

Visual Differences (swipe images right and left)

Giant Upgrades (двигайте таблицу вправо и влево)

Level Damage per Attack Damage per Second Second/Space Damage Hit Points Training Cost Laboratory Level Research Cost Research Time
1 22Damage per Attack 11Damage per Second 2.2 300Hit Points 250Elixir – n/a – – n/a – – n/a –
2 28Damage per Attack 14Damage per Second 2.8 360Hit Points 750Elixir 2 100,000Elixir 1 day
3 38Damage per Attack 19Damage per Second 3.8 430Hit Points 1,250Elixir 4 250,000Elixir 2 days
4 48Damage per Attack 24Damage per Second 4.8 520Hit Points 1,750Elixir 5 750,000Elixir 3 days
5 62Damage per Attack 31Damage per Second 6.2 670Hit Points 2,250Elixir 6 2,250,000Elixir 5 days
6 86Damage per Attack 43Damage per Second 8.6 940Hit Points 3,000Elixir 7 6,000,000Elixir 10 days
7 100Damage per Attack 50Damage per Second 10 1,100Hit Points 3,500Elixir 8 7,000,000Elixir 14 days
Total: 15,251,100Elixir 35 days

Interesting Facts

When you tap the Army Camp the Giants all pump their fists in and out from their chests a few times, similar to humans cracking their knuckles.

In game if you closely look at the Giants when they’re pumping their fists you can see that they have no eyes.

You can have a maximum of 48 Giants at one time in a complete set of fully upgraded Army Camps. This number increases to 55 if you include the 7 that can fit into a fully upgraded Clan Castle.

The Giant’s low damage is visually seen by the attacks with their bare fists.

Of all Regular Troops the Giant has the lowest damage per housing space, at 10 DPS per housing space at level 7.

The Giant’s main Barracks image changed substantially as part of the “Witch” update (29 July 2013). However, this change did not affect the look of the in-game unit; when viewed in Army Camps or in battle, the Giant still has the same look as it did prior to the update.

When the Giant attacks a building, a puff of smoke rises from the target.

Giants, along with Barbarians and Archers, are currently the only three Troops that can be upgraded to level 7.

Since the 2014 Winter Update, the Giant is unlocked at Barracks level 3 instead of level 4. In addition, this update reduced the cost to train Giants of levels 1-5 by 250 elixir.

Also since the 2014 Winter Update, the Giant was moved to Tier 1, and the Goblin was moved to Tier 2. The wiki as a whole voted to keep the Giant in the Tier 2 section.

Giant Level 7 Featured Art

Giant Level 7 Featured Art

The Giants Official Video (Full HD)

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10 Responses to Giant

  1. sunny ( Player's League: Unranked Unranked Player's Trophies 2 )

    I love this :)

  2. Jaffa fa ( Player's League: Unranked Unranked Player's Trophies 1 )

    Why do i only have 10 giants?

  3. generic ( Player's League: Unranked Unranked Player's Trophies 1 )

    Does work for someone who doesn’t have ED?

  4. swapnodip ( Player's League: Unranked Unranked Player's Trophies 1 )

    Give 200000000gems

  5. silver || ( Player's League: Silver I Silver I Player's Trophies 45 )


  6. silver || ( Player's League: Silver I Silver I Player's Trophies 45 )


  7. silver || ( Player's League: Silver I Silver I Player's Trophies 45 )

    i like you

  8. silver || ( Player's League: Silver I Silver I Player's Trophies 45 )

    baba chera kar nemikonid saitetoon be dard nemikhore kose nane hatoon

  9. silver || ( Player's League: Silver I Silver I Player's Trophies 45 )

    5 and 6 is very effective for town Hall

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