Haste Spell

The Haste Spell is one of many Spells in the Clash of Clans game.

Put some hustle in even your heaviest units!

Haste Spells lack the damage boost of Rage Spells, but provide an even better boost to movement speed. A lower storage space also allows you to take more of them into battle!


Like a Rage Spell, it boosts the movement speed of troops in its area of effect; the Haste Spell, however, does not make them deal extra damage.

The Haste Spell has a slightly smaller radius than a Rage Spell.

Description of common tactics of usage a Haste Spell during the battle is Here.

Base Features

Spell Factory Level: 3Dark Spell Factory Level Time to Brew: 15 minsTime to Brew
Housing Space: 1Housing Space Radius: 4 TitlesRadius

Haste Spell Upgrade (swipe table right and left)

Level Speed Increase Cost Laboratory Level Research Cost Research Time
1 28Speed Increase 80Dark Elixir – n/a – – n/a – – n/a –
2 34Speed Increase 85Dark Elixir 7 40,000Dark Elixir 8 days
3 40Speed Increase 90Dark Elixir 8 80,000Dark Elixir 10 days
4 46Speed Increase 95Dark Elixir 8 120,000Dark Elixir 14 days
Total: 240,000Dark Elixir 32 days

Interesting Facts

The Haste Spell is a Dark Elixir Spell added in the July 1, 2015 update.

The Rage Spell’s name in game files is “haste”.

At its initial level, the Haste Spell has the same movement speed increase as a level 5 Rage Spell.

For every 1 level the Haste Spell gains, the amount of speed it gains is always increased by 6.

Haste Spells do not stack, but if a Haste Spell were to be placed along with a Rage Spell, their speed increase would stack.

Haste Spell – Put some hustle in even your heaviest units!

Haste Spell - Put some hustle in even your heaviest units!

. . .

2 Responses to Haste Spell

  1. Big_bos ( Player's League: Unranked Unranked Player's Trophies 1 )

    Th 11

  2. Gapleksuu jr ( Player's League: Unranked Unranked Player's Trophies 1 )

    Ben apik

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